
Groundbreaking Treatments for Cancer

Drs Elliott Brea and David Barbie, Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI)

Drs Elliott Brea and David Barbie, Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI)

Host:  Hildy Grossman with Jordan Rich, co-host

Guests: David Barbie, MD and Elliott Brea MD, PhD

As Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” That said, our guests on this podcast share groundbreaking research that investigates new ways of using one’s own immune system to fight cancer. Understanding how immunotherapy works is a complicated topic. Our guests, David Barbie, MD and Elliott Brea, MD, PhD of Dana Farber Cancer Institute, do a masterful job in managing to simplify concepts, and in the most enjoyable way. They discuss the workings of immunotherapy and groundbreaking directions within this form of treatment, simplifying terms even the best educated strain to understand. Take a listen now.